Just curious if anyone was coming back to it, Blue and I were having a chat and might not be so bad to kill some time on it again. I seriously have nothing to do mmo gamewise lately, nor am I motivated enough to sub/ play as hardcore as I once did in wow/d3/lol.
But shit if I pick up ffxiv again some of that nostalgia might rub off on me. TBH I feel like a druggie chasing old highs, not of ffxiv in particular but, you'll know what im talking about if you started mmo gaming in your teens.
Maybe it'll be too much of a headache and ill drop it after a week. But ill sub for a month nonetheless w/ blue to see how the games changed (for better or worse).
Hey, well if ya do decide to sub again, myself, Majis, Boros and Ayron are also over on Gilgamesh. Not sure if you would transfer from Zalera, but thought I'd mention it. We are still quite active in the game over there :)
I would not suggest that if u come back that you go to or stay on zalera, as server is so small and the market board is fubard. im sure if we grouped up on gilga it would be a good time. we have end game going and almost 20 maelstrom members in guild that run FL and pvp.