Net neutrality (also network neutrality or Internet neutrality) is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, and modes of communication. The term was coined by Columbia media law professor Tim Wu in 2003 as an extension of the longstanding concept of a common carrier.[1][2][3][4] Proponents often see net neutrality as an important component of an open internet, where policies such as equal treatment of data and open web standards allow those on the internet to easily communicate and conduct business without interference from a third party.[5] A "closed internet" refers to the opposite situation, in which established corporations or governments favor certain uses. A closed internet may have restricted access to necessary web standards, artificially degrade some services, or explicitly filter out content.
Our internet is being threatened by corporate fuckheads. Realize that the internet will not be the same in the future unless we, internet citizens actually stand up and do something.
This has recently been made European wide law by the EU parlement. Thank god.
Mobile companies wanted to restrict Whatsapp here, by asking extra for allowing it to go through their servers.
When the government got wind of that a motion made it through the "council" in less than 24 hours.
Don't need the internet to become a place affected by corporate politics. Don't want people's creativity and our possibilities for internet progression to be bottlenecked by the corporations. The thing about the internet is it has always been a place of complete freedom. Now more and more it seems like that freedom is being infringed upon. I'll be signing this.
Net Neutrality is actually probably preferable by pretty much everyone besides the telecompanies.
I havn't really been worried things would change and even if they would I have faith it wouldn't last very long.
Anyway, the issue is real. The problem is that the people who decide on the laws and stuff don't know jack shit about technology in general.