The main reason for this is the gap between a new player and a rank 30. It's not even just the skill level difference of a 30 having more experience. The gear/ability gap between a rank 1 and a rank 30 is actually insane. Even between an ilvl70 PvP geared player and an i90 PvP geared player, the gap is crazy.
I just started solo queueing today and my win/loss % went up from about 50%(with my former i70 gear) to about 85%(with my current i90 gear). Then beyond that there is another tier, which is pentamelded i90 PvP gear, which costs a lot of gil but puts you even more above other players. The grind to being min/maxed in this game in terms of time and currency is simply ridiculous. There is no point to PvP 50s as anything less than i70, and even then, winning is difficult. 4v4 Queues offer literally no rewards, so people queue in premades of 3 to crush the competition since 4s queue are practically nonexistent.
If this continues, the PvP on this game will continue in a downward spiral. A few things need to change for this game's PvP to start garnering interest instead of losing it.
-Make a matchmaking system based on rating, w/l ratio, and gear.
-Put a rewards system in place for 4v4s. Such as leaderboards, vanity armor, mounts, pets, titles...
-Make a new tier of gear which is i80, and make it available at rank 10 or 15.
-Make a set of i70 gear be available at the start through a repeatable quest, so you can start at i70 for each class in PvP.
-Make this quest to get i70 PvP gear be a prerequisite before you can enter the Wolves Den. This will stop PvE heroes from ruining matches.
-Do away with the i55 gear, while allowing those who currently have to keep it of course, but with the quest I described above, noone should need i55 PvP gear
-Make there be DPS materia you can buy through a PvP grind instead of having to grind gil for it. Not all of us have gil flowing into our pockets.
I believe that most if not all of these changes are necessary to ensure the future of PvP arena in this game. Unless this game implements these changes soon, the i90s such as myself and others will crush the hopes of any new player who had any desire to PvP in this game whatsoever.
-- Edited by Zabuza on Tuesday 4th of February 2014 12:14:30 AM
-- Edited by Zabuza on Tuesday 4th of February 2014 12:16:02 AM
Bump because honestly, I worry about the future of this game's PvP. Most of the other solo queuers I ran into today were actually PvE geared players who said they couldn't get 30s/40s queues, and said they had no desire to grind 2000 matches losing to rank 30s to get rank 30 themselves. I have also noticed the game seems to be bleeding PvPers slowly but surely. When Wildstar comes out I feel like it's going to draw a decent amount more of the PvP community away.
-- Edited by Zabuza on Tuesday 11th of February 2014 07:25:46 PM
its just people like kipling and jin fei etc queuing with 3 i90 against i55 together xD people get annoyed :D
Yeah but SE doesn't seem to have put anything in place to combat this. There is no incentive for premades of 3 or 4 to face each other in their own queue while leaving the solo queuers to do their thing, and the amount of PvPers playing continues to dwindle...while the new blood is put off by the gear/ability gap.
give me this set and a /visor command: and pvp will be saved
also, min/max does not exist in a game where there are no variables. there are only carefully designed plateaus in both pve and pvp, which is why both are shit.
The PvP in this game is laughable, slow and carebear heaven
thanks for the 2.5s gcd ps3 players
but really, the speed's there. this game is fast and fluid. i feel adrenaline when i am the last one standing against another tank or more; never during the fight, even in coordinated games with vent. the problem i see is not in the pvp system (it's new and will develop facets as time goes on), but the structural framework on which the game stands.
all of the minor changes and suggestions listed in threads like these seem so redundant when they will no doubt be implemented to the developer's standard at some point in the future.
it's the foundation that's awry.
Arok wrote:
problem is nobody tested this pvp xD there had to be tests how unbalanced it is
pvp was tested, but only insofar as to be seen as acceptable. their aim wasn't to make a cerebral, involved and well-rounded system. it was only tested to get it out there. to give the theme park another sandbox to play in.
-- Edited by backboneteller on Sunday 16th of February 2014 12:42:31 PM
It's very rare that I've felt any adrenaline in any of the arenas in this game. I think maybe one close match I felt it, and I've felt it quite often in WoW or SWToR arenas. I would attribute this to the GCD and server lag/animation delay issues that are prevalent in FF and which are not present in WoW or SWToR arenas when I played them.