I've been a part of Wathchmen since a little after it's conception. Although I started as an opponent, I later joined the ranks and have been a full blooded member ever since (almost 2 years). I've seen this guild grow from a group of strangers into a tightly knit family. We've had some really amazing times together across so many different games and mediums, and made so many memories. We've had our ups and we've had our downs, but through it all we've stuck together. Unfortunately, my time here must come to an end. I won't go into detail about what happened or why, as this isn't an explanation, just a goodbye.
It's been an honor and privilege to play with you all, honestly. I hate to have to go, I really do, but it's what is best for everyone involved. Just know that this all meant so much to me and I'm glad I knew every single one of you. You will be remembered. I won't be visiting these forums again, so I won't see your replies, but I know you all felt the same.
So, take care guys. Keep making those big plays, and most of all keep the Watchmen spirit alive. I love you all.
Good talk.
Kevin "glassJAw" Schwoerer
"if actions speak louder than words, then I'm the most deafening noise you've heard"