BW, we have a problem Has anyone noticed the horrendous trend of bugs that are seemingly growing in terrifying frequency every patch? At this point, I'm wondering if we're all okay with just accepting the absolutely gamebreaking issues that are occurring far too often. I play ranked every night and out of the 5-10 games I can get in, I'd say at least 4 or maybe even 6 of these are suffering due to bugged advantages on either team. Random Disconnects Sometimes the game will just straight up boot one of our players. No lag-in-place, just an outright disconnect to the Server Selection screen. Other times, it will be a lag-in-place to the boot screen which has nothing to do with one's connection.
Roll Bugs Our snipers and operatives sometimes will randomly suffer to a roll bug in which case they can no longer move and if they die, they will be booted from the game.
Invisible Walls / Barriers There are times where the simplest of knockbacks can cause a player to suffer an 'invisible wall' effect. The player is literally locked in this wall. They cannot attack others, though they can be attacked nor can they move. This effect is not fixed by friendly pulls and even /stuck sometimes will not work.
Chain-Linked Mez Boots I'm not even precisely sure how the heck this one happens, though I've noticed a trend that I will not speak about openly. All you need to know is that a certain grenade, tied in with a certain mez or two will permanently CC a player to the ground. /Stuck does not break this effect and the player must be killed. When the player is killed, they will be automatically booted.
Multiple Huttball Scores This one made me ragequit the game before. Literally. There are times where players can score 2 and maybe up to a full 6 goals with one score. There are times where they can even surpass 6 goals and go up to 14 or 20.
Invisible Caps There are times when players can cap an objective and will not be visible until they are roughly 80-90% complete.
FPS Drops Some warzones are absolutely degrading on performance and a large part of it is because of certain abilities. (Such as Sniper roll anim) that causes a tremendous FPS drop to others. This, again, can be gamebreaking due to the fact that this is a direct hit to a player's performance output.
I'm sure there's more, but I'm starting to wonder if there are any plans to fix this? There were bugs in the past but not like this. It's getting worse and worse.
At this point it's hard for me to have any faith in Bioware, given their track record to responding to bugs, especially when they are PvP related(we're still in preseason one.) The times that we lose because of having to play a 7v8 because one of our players gets bugged is especially painful. Truth be told the only reason I continue to play right now is because of you guys, my friends keep me here(and there aren't any other games that interest me right now). Otherwise I definitely would not go through the trouble of playing a game that has terrible coding and terrible dev communication/responding.
Despite all the bugs it is still a fun game when the bugs don't occur, but that is just a painful reminder of what this game could be but probably never will be because of the people in charge of this game.
-- Edited by Zabuza on Sunday 14th of July 2013 05:22:25 PM
BW, we have a problem Has anyone noticed the horrendous trend of bugs that are seemingly growing in terrifying frequency every patch? At this point, I'm wondering if we're all okay with just accepting the absolutely gamebreaking issues that are occurring far too often. I play ranked every night and out of the 5-10 games I can get in, I'd say at least 4 or maybe even 6 of these are suffering due to bugged advantages on either team. Random Disconnects Sometimes the game will just straight up boot one of our players. No lag-in-place, just an outright disconnect to the Server Selection screen. Other times, it will be a lag-in-place to the boot screen which has nothing to do with one's connection.
Roll Bugs Our snipers and operatives sometimes will randomly suffer to a roll bug in which case they can no longer move and if they die, they will be booted from the game.
Invisible Walls / Barriers There are times where the simplest of knockbacks can cause a player to suffer an 'invisible wall' effect. The player is literally locked in this wall. They cannot attack others, though they can be attacked nor can they move. This effect is not fixed by friendly pulls and even /stuck sometimes will not work.
Chain-Linked Mez Boots I'm not even precisely sure how the heck this one happens, though I've noticed a trend that I will not speak about openly. All you need to know is that a certain grenade, tied in with a certain mez or two will permanently CC a player to the ground. /Stuck does not break this effect and the player must be killed. When the player is killed, they will be automatically booted.
Multiple Huttball Scores This one made me ragequit the game before. Literally. There are times where players can score 2 and maybe up to a full 6 goals with one score. There are times where they can even surpass 6 goals and go up to 14 or 20.
Invisible Caps There are times when players can cap an objective and will not be visible until they are roughly 80-90% complete.
FPS Drops Some warzones are absolutely degrading on performance and a large part of it is because of certain abilities. (Such as Sniper roll anim) that causes a tremendous FPS drop to others. This, again, can be gamebreaking due to the fact that this is a direct hit to a player's performance output.
I'm sure there's more, but I'm starting to wonder if there are any plans to fix this? There were bugs in the past but not like this. It's getting worse and worse.
The roll bug is caused by being knocked back by an overload while in mid roll (does this 100% of the time it seems) Tested it with a friend anyways, and yeah it happened 5/5 times.
Since im from the UK, I kinda learned to live and cope with the odd lag spike, But it has got worse since 2.0 during warzones. I've noticed the first 30 seconds of in round time for Hutt ball is noticeably the worst.
Hutball scores ive not seen done like that... but I have seen games where as soon as the doors open the enemy has 1 or 2 goals (before anyone even has chance to pick up the ball on either team.
Random disconnects.... yeah its stupid these still happen. But you should be able to rejoin a ranked warzone if this occurs in my opinion. (its not as if anyone is gonna join to replace you) so im not sure why they even have the kick trigger in the ranked warzones. But since its there... should be a way to rejoin and maybe "Un stick" ourselves from some of the other bs. I honestly think a Ranked warzone Ops group should work the same as a PvE one... If someone dc's they can rejoin.
Maybe even have a 60 second pause feature if anyone does DC (with both teams having a resume button) Giving people chance to join back in. Since people don't DC as much in ranked warzones I don't see something like this being an issue. But as you said, DC's shouldn't be happening for reasons like this anyway.