Haha ya. Playing on him last night brought back a lot of fun memories.
I have to say, watching a bit of that stream video made me miss this game/you guys and how things used to be...
Y'know when everyone knew us, when there was a rivalry that made every game try-hard because we couldn't dare let them win one from us, when we still had hope that the game would improve, and, personally, when I was second in command and we made decisions together...
But now we're on a new server, playing the good guys, with the game going nowhere fast and Zabuza reigns as prince :P
Still fun and all, but it will never really be the same :/
"if actions speak louder than words, then I'm the most deafening noise you've heard"
Haha ya. Playing on him last night brought back a lot of fun memories.
I have to say, watching a bit of that stream video made me miss this game/you guys and how things used to be...
Y'know when everyone knew us, when there was a rivalry that made every game try-hard because we couldn't dare let them win one from us, when we still had hope that the game would improve, and, personally, when I was second in command and we made decisions together...
But now we're on a new server, playing the good guys, with the game going nowhere fast and Zabuza reigns as prince :P
Still fun and all, but it will never really be the same :/
Times change, and this server's better than JC ever was - environment wise. It's a different brand of fun. Nothing lasts forever. Have to admit, for once, in over a year - I actually enjoy logging into SWTOR. Heck, I'm even playing alts now. Doesn't that strike you a little strange?