Dritz has been holding a secret... About how fun Sentinels are. LOL have on leveling on fatman, hopefully when transfers happen i can move him to where ever we are going. if not i'll level it again.
Gohan: I'm gonna eviscerate you and use your gastrointestinal tract as a condom when I fornicate with your skull!
my sub runs out on the 16th and I'll be dabbling a bit when I feel like it but don't plan on renewing my sub til rateds/cross server/big changes come out.
"if actions speak louder than words, then I'm the most deafening noise you've heard"
Yussh sir, about 2 weeks left on mine, then not resubbing till rateds. HOWEVER will come back to D3, havent had much time to play since I finished college and looking for work. Anyone play League of Legends? Just downloaded it to try and its pretty damn fun. I know I am late on that on but we should play, add another game to our library of pwnning.
Champs got me to play League one weekend because he's high ELO and plays a ton with friends. It seemed super complicated. Like not the play or anything but the amount of knowledge you have to have to be competitive seems overwhelming for just a "fun" game, you know? Wouldn't mind trying it a bit though if people want to.
"if actions speak louder than words, then I'm the most deafening noise you've heard"