I said on Glass' stream, I believe, "I cannot describe the magnitude of the massive nerd boner I have over this game." I just want it recorded for posterity. I'm pretty excited tbh, not blindly so, I'm hopeful -- a little more than I ever was for SWTOR but it's F2P once you buy it, so it's not like I couldn't juggle both or convince all of the nonbelievers to give it a shot if it turns out to be super awesome. Watchmen is the guild I want to drag along to other MMOs. :o
I said on Glass' stream, I believe, "I cannot describe the magnitude of the massive nerd boner I have over this game." I just want it recorded for posterity. I'm pretty excited tbh, not blindly so, I'm hopeful -- a little more than I ever was for SWTOR but it's F2P once you buy it, so it's not like I couldn't juggle both or convince all of the nonbelievers to give it a shot if it turns out to be super awesome. Watchmen is the guild I want to drag along to other MMOs. :o
Totally agree with this! The game looks amazing and based around pvp - which is all we do! Def super pumped and being F2P will make it easy to play both. I also would like to move all of Watchmen over there as I think it's a wonderful experience to play with you all and think it'd be fun to start a new game all together. :3
"if actions speak louder than words, then I'm the most deafening noise you've heard"
Just look into GW2 a little bit! I played the first one a little bit, nowhere near as srs bsns as I did play WoW but I didn't like it. That being said, GW2 is farther from the GW1 model than SWTOR is. I dunno, I just sound like a stupid fanboy whenever I talk about it!
http://gw2.luna-atra.fr/skills_tool/ Make your own class! (Click the Union Jack for English) If that doesn't get you excited over the game, nothing will. (except maybe for the refreshing gameplay and PvP focus)
I don't know. Making your own class sounds great but.... We all know people will just figure out the mathematically superior combinations and everyone will go with that. So it seems like there's a huge amount of customization but I doubt it.
And free to play is not good. From my experience it usually means less game content/features/updates/patches.
Plus after WoW I think I'm done with dragons and cutesy little gnome things and animal-men. So yeah, I'm going with D3.
On your deathbed, you will not wish you played more video games.
I don't know. Making your own class sounds great but.... We all know people will just figure out the mathematically superior combinations and everyone will go with that. So it seems like there's a huge amount of customization but I doubt it.
And free to play is not good. From my experience it usually means less game content/features/updates/patches.
Plus after WoW I think I'm done with dragons and cutesy little gnome things and animal-men. So yeah, I'm going with D3.
Well yeah, after all it is just a complicated series of math problems governing the entire game. However, what appeals to me is that there might be more than one superior spec or whatever, it seems like they're trying super hard to avoid cookie cutter stuff, I dunno... Watchmen D3, hooray.
I played an assassin in D2 as well they were so awesome. I want to play demon hunter but I think a lot of people will so I'm thinking I'll go witch doctor. Spiders + slightly racist class concept (black guy in a loin cloth with voodoo magic shooting blow darts) = win.
On your deathbed, you will not wish you played more video games.
I played an assassin in D2 as well they were so awesome. I want to play demon hunter but I think a lot of people will so I'm thinking I'll go witch doctor. Spiders + slightly racist class concept (black guy in a loin cloth with voodoo magic shooting blow darts) = win.
Tbh, DH is my fav right now but Witch Doctors are overpowered in all honesty...