Im done with this garbage server, i cant stand this ghost server any more, Ilum is dead, PVP queues are 30 mins sometimes, the AH is always empty.
So i decided to just stick with my alt on fatman. Where you have like 300+ imps in a wz at the same time and queues wont be longer than 3 mins and where you not playing against the same team every damn time.
I got the same name Evildestroyer on imp there, only difference its a Marauder instead of a Jugg.
But honestly i was on the verge to quit the game until i just decided to try fatman out, and so far im gonna stay a little bit longer and be back to the corsair in 1.2 til then im probably not gonna bother to log on my repub or jugg.
Im probably going to use my shadow for my pvp dailies but thats about it til 1.2. I just cant stand long queues and **** like that. Its like i am paying 15$ a month for a single player game.