The long overdue, highly anticipated Group 9 is taking form.
This will be a LATE NIGHT raid group.
Before applying, please be sure your schedule can accommodate 90% of our raids; Missing 1-3 raids in a month is understandable/forgivable, while much more than that and we will need to see a Doctor's Note.
Our schedule is to be as follows(All times are in EST/GMT-05:00):
(Monday night)Tuesday 00:30-03:00
(Tuesday night)Wednesday 00:30-03:00
(Friday night)Saturday 00:30-03:00
How long our raid will run each night will be dependant on when people have to leave, but expect to be running for a minimum of two-three hours per night.
I would like to reserve this thread as somewhat of an AMA, so if you are interested in joining Group 9, please send your Application to Myself(Neo) via private message here on the forums. Your application will not be shared with anyone else, the more information you supply the better your odds, and we will be posting a final roster on this thread when applications close. Deadline is Sunday January 12th, as Monday the 13th is our first scheduled raid night.
I can run in this group with one of two characters:
Sigfried Mishima as Paladin (avg Ilvl 78), Warrior (avg Ilvl 70ish) or Dragoon (avg Ilvl 73)
experience on this char is being the 1-4 Tank for group 1 for about 6 runs and group 3 for 1 run.
Or Porom Mishima as White Mage (avg Ilvl 73)
experience on this char is for healing a group 2 run which I was able to heal up until Turn 4. With a bit more experience I should be able to handle it.
Everything works pretty well for me for the time being. Friday might be the only hitch but that can be discussed when we get there.
Alright, First Raid Night of Group 9 is finished, had to PUG 3 dps, but we did clear Turn 1. Will be picking up on Friday to hopefully down a few more turns. 9:00pm PST. If any dps are interested hit Sauce or myself up.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
In what may be the roughest start of a group in history, having to cancel raid tonight because 3 pivotal roles cannot make it tonight. Will be running Friday and probably another day this week to make up for the missed day today. Hewned.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
Still missing a Statis BLM, but up to turn 4! Internet-five!
Tuesday night was canceled due to servers going down, will be running again Friday!
Ultima(HM), Garuda(EX), Coil turn 4.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.