Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Update 2.4: The Dread War - PTS Update 1 Patch Notes
August 22nd, 2013
The patch notes published for the Public Test Server are intended to guide testing. They are not final and are subject to change.
The new Obroan PvP armor set is currently using placeholder art that will be updated before the release to the Live Servers; the sets themselves are incomplete on the PTS and are subject to change.
The Public Test Server Patch Notes will be provided in English. The final release notes will be provided in English, French, and German when the content is moved to live servers.
Classes and Combat
Sith Inquisitor
Phase Walk now goes on cooldown as intended when used.*
Bounty Hunter
Increased the chance for Flame Burst to trigger Combustible Gas Cylinder in the Bursting Flame skill by 5% per rank (now 20/40/60% chance, up from 15/30/45%).
Sweltering Heat has been redesigned: While Combustible Gas Cylinder is active, damage dealt by Flame Burst has a 50/100% chance to reduce the target's movement speed by 40% for 6 seconds.
Assault Specialist
Increased the chance for Ion Pulse to trigger Plasma Cell in the Ionized Ignition skill by 5% per rank (now 20/40/60% chance, up from 15/30/45%).
Sweltering Heat has been redesigned: While Plasma Cell is active, damage dealt by Ion Pulse has a 50/100% chance to reduce the target's movement speed by 40% for 6 seconds.
Missions and NPCs
PvP Missions
All PvP Daily and Weekly mission descriptions have been updated to indicate that they now require Unranked Warzones.*
The prematch countdown has been extended from 60 seconds to 90 seconds, to allow more time for players to load in. The time in between rounds remains at 30 seconds.*
The Orbital Station Arena now had all intended Cover Points.*
Warzone Medpacs now properly reset at the beginning of a new round.*
Players will no longer be erraneously kicked as AFK while the Arena spawn doors are closed.*
Removed environmenal fire from Tatooine Canyon and Corellia Square Arenas.*
Warzone matches will end properly if the last player on a team leaves during a round.*
Warzone UI
The Scoreboard (end of round/match board) now displays awarded medals and teammates properly in Warzone Arenas.*
If closed, the Scoreboard (end of round/match board) now opens again as intended when players click on the Warzone icon of the mini-map.*
Players in Warzones other than Arenas now receive a Scoreboard at the end of the match.*
Loading screen messages are now associated with the appropriate graphic.*
*These notes apply to fixes for PTS-only issues and will not be included in the final Game Update 2.4 Patch Notes.
Apparently you can backfill with opposing faction players now? I just was on a team where one of my DPS left before the game started and it was backfilled by a Commando.
Apparently you can backfill with opposing faction players now? I just was on a team where one of my DPS left before the game started and it was backfilled by a Commando.