Any time you see Anna'ka, from Machination, destroy her please. I'll give 250k if y'all can make her rage quit. Go Watchmen
Everyday is a day to celebrate
"if actions speak louder than words, then I'm the most deafening noise you've heard"
Anonymous wrote:Any time you see Anna'ka, from Machination, destroy her please. I'll give 250k if y'all can make her rage quit. Go Watchmen Pj-b
Those are some shady dealings you got there
I still loves you guys, dont worry.
<3 Anna
Anonymous wrote:I still loves you guys, dont worry.<3 Anna
I am sorry but there's a price on your head. I'm going to collect.
I'd prefer if Shin do it! Since Anna thinks all shadows/sins are weak! ;)
Or Stega/Tiger....any shadow will do nicely!
Anonymous wrote:I'd prefer if Shin do it! Since Anna thinks all shadows/sins are weak! ;)
Good, cause I'm a pacifist.
Ladispute wrote:Anonymous wrote:I'd prefer if Shin do it! Since Anna thinks all shadows/sins are weak! ;)Good, cause I'm a pacifist.
Lies and deceit!!!
When's the last time Glass actually attacked someone with the intention of killing them?
Mace wrote:When's the last time Glass actually attacked someone with the intention of killing them?
Oh, I always intend to but rarely get around to it.
You did a 3.8k Dispatch once!