2 sry fat fingers on cell but, keep fingers crossed and btw that wasn't me that posted after yet glass jaw u got a little defensive towards my post yet suppose to be kinda funny surprised that came from u I played with most of u all for along time and wondering where is all this angry coming from the game suppose to be fun if u beat our ass in Pvp or anyone for that matter why most of u all gotta be negative. What's wrong with saying gg or something positive u all might have made new friends or so forth am just curious
2 sry fat fingers on cell but, keep fingers crossed and btw that wasn't me that posted after yet glass jaw u got a little defensive towards my post yet suppose to be kinda funny surprised that came from u I played with most of u all for along time and wondering where is all this angry coming from the game suppose to be fun if u beat our ass in Pvp or anyone for that matter why most of u all gotta be negative. What's wrong with saying gg or something positive u all might have made new friends or so forth am just curious
2 sry fat fingers on cell but, keep fingers crossed and btw that wasn't me that posted after yet glass jaw u got a little defensive towards my post yet suppose to be kinda funny surprised that came from u I played with most of u all for along time and wondering where is all this angry coming from the game suppose to be fun if u beat our ass in Pvp or anyone for that matter why most of u all gotta be negative. What's wrong with saying gg or something positive u all might have made new friends or so forth am just curious
What.. what is this? I'm appalled by your lack grammar. From what I could understand, you're mad because we beat you and then don't give you candy afterwards? First off, we're not mad, well maybe a little because we expect competition and don't get it, but we talk shit because we find it funny and we can back it up. Second, you still haven't stated your name so all this "used to play with you" bull shit isn't invoking any kind of sympathy. Third, we have made tons of friends. I make friends with those I respect and I respect those who give whatever they do, be it a stupid video game or real life accomplishments, their all. I would not respect someone who half-asses and then cries that it's not fair that they're not the best. Work hard and earn it. If we ever did play together you would know that that's what I believe and preach. Anyways, enjoy your incoherent jabs at us through anonymity and we'll see you at the bottom of the score screen.
P.S. Ya, I'm defensive - Defensive specced Guardian, what'd you expect?
"if actions speak louder than words, then I'm the most deafening noise you've heard"
What kind of a word do we live in where Oniss gets all the publicity? He is a Jug just a Jug so the person was not he and stopp talking about him it's just swelling his head.
lawl lawl lawl lawl leave the bad grammar to me! and all i can say to the hater's is gbb........GBB then maybe when you shit talk and or put 3-4 people on my heals and still cant kill me we can talk. also oniss lol i wish i could keyboard turn like a pro!