Since the game is down for the night, and I'm not tired, I've been doing a ton of research into my class and have been working on a few different builds. I've narrowed it down to three in particular and was just wondering what your views on them might be. I'm aware that you might not know what every skill does or how exactly it affects my gameplay but I think most of the tool tips provide a simple enough explanation and you can get a general sense about what it's doing.
This is the build I used all the way up until earlier today. It includes all of the relevant and mandatory skills in the Defense tree (Momentum, Solidified Force, Warding Call, Hilt Strike, Stasis Mastery etc.) and also includes Guardian Slash, Cyclone Sweeps and Victory Rush for some added DPS. Guardian Slash is a big hitter, and where most of my damage comes from, and also debuffs the target very quickly so that the other dps can burn them down faster (obvs). I know my main focus is not damage but I've missed my ability to go one on one with opponents since my current build, which we'll get to, does not allow for that. This build also "splashes" for Second Wind in the Focus tree. This ability allows my Resolute (CC breaker) to heal me for 10% of my max hp and can crit. Using this in conjunction with my Enure (30% life boost) skill can grant me a heal of over 2.5k, which, in addition to freeing me of all movement impairing effects, is very helpful. I see this build being the best in Alderaan, since I can defend a node solo better, decent in Void Star, although damage matters less there, and the worst in Huttball, although while using this build we were still undefeated in it.
This is the build I'm currently specced in. I chose this build because I believed Zealous Leap had potential but so far it hasn't lived up to my expectations. Although I need to test it more, the 10m range on it is very short and it's almost faster to just run to the target. The leap costs 3 focus (which is sometimes a problem) and doesn't cause a root or interrupt like my Force Leap ability. My hope for this build was that in return for giving up damage in the form of Guardian Slash and other talents I would gain greater mobility in all warzones, especially Huttball. There are a few problems with this, however. First, Huttball is already a Warzone that I excel in and doesn't need help in the form of another leap. Second, I don't believe Zealous Leap is able to be used to jump from the pit to the ledge in Huttball without the enemy player being on the very tip, due to it's short range and LOS issues (although it needs more testing, like I said). Third, Zealous Leap is basically a useless skill in Alerdaan and Voidstar since the terrain is flat and easily accessible by merely running. This build also splashes for Second Wind (see above paragraph). It seems like all I have to say about this build is negatives which does not bode well for it, but it is an option nonetheless.
This is a build that I just created and has not been tested in game yet. It basically has the same Defense tree skill point allocation as the Zealous Leap build but trades the added health boost survivability or Inner Peace and Second Wind for the Unremitting Buff. The implications of these swaps are vast. First, I'm losing the ability to heal myself by a fair amount due to the decreased duration of Enure (Inner Peace) and the lack of my Resolute healing from Second Wind. If I have a pocket healer then this won't matter, but that's not always the case. Second, I'm trading in mobility and healing for more damage. As can be seen, I must put 10 points into the Vigilance tree before reaching Unremitting and the points go into mostly dps centric talents. Swelling Winds allows Force Sweep (Smash) to do more damage and also be used more frequently which in turn allows the accuracy debuff from Dust Storm (1st tier skill in the Defense tree) to be up more often. Third, I gain Unremitting. This skill gives me a terrific buff for 4 seconds after using Force Leap, which is extremely beneficial in all combat and survival situations. In Huttball, for example, Force Leaping will both gain me a positional advantage and a defensive advantage that will lead to easier scoring and possibly make up for the loss of Inner Peace and Second Wind. In Alderaan and Voidstar this will allow me to live longer to make sure the node/door is not capped. Again, we face the situation of this build increasing my Huttball utility, an already good matchup that is in no need of help, but this time we see a theoretical improvement in both Alderaan and Voidstar.
So there it is. I know that was a lot to take in all at once and maybe it doesn't make a ton of sense to non-Guardian's, but I just wanted to get that all out there. After writing it all it seems there's really only a choice between the 1st and 3rd build, although with more testing (how many times have I said that?) Zealous Leap could prove to be worth it. Anyways, thanks for giving this a read and let me know which you think would be most helpful for our group composition. Also, leave any questions or comments and I will answer them as best as I can.
- glassJAw/Ladispute
"if actions speak louder than words, then I'm the most deafening noise you've heard"
I have experience with all of those builds (I play pretty much exclusively Focus now), so I can comment a bit on what I thought about them.
Defense DPS - It does what it's advertised to do. A quick leap --> sunder --> guardian slash sets up damage really well for everyone, hilt strike and stasis mastery are great utility, and you have a lot of opportunity for master strikes (which are surprisingly nasty) with those stuns.
You are primarily an annoyance (you aren't going to blow anyone up with your DPS), but it does scale exceptionally well with gear. Guardian Slash gets a huge scaling multiplier, bigger than anything we get besides Dispatch.
Zealous Leap - Honestly, you pretty much covered it. Zealous Leap is mainly meant for Focus to be able to get Felling Blow up without having to get far enough away to land a Force Leap (getting the speed boost afterwards is nice for Focus ballcarrying too). It's kinda decent for a wonky blade storm-based spec too (blade storm every 6 seconds in shii-cho with +60% crit), but that build is also just kinda...weird in practice. Doesn't have enough punch.
Unremitting - This build is all about being a hindrance. You do very little damage, but you are an unstoppable ballcarrier and a complete annoyance to the enemy. I've played a lot of specs with and without Unremitting, and I think it's one of those talents that once you've played with it, you really hate playing without it. If I could make Focus viable with it, I would take it every time.
My advice would be to run the Unremitting spec until your gear is really solid, then switch to the full Defense DPS spec. You won't do appreciable DPS without gear anyway, and you're mostly there to be a pain in the ass. Might as well do that as well as possible until your burst contribution is enough to make a big difference.
Unremitting is just totally and completely awesome. I can't count the times I have watched Mace leap at someone and immediately start giggling like a schoolgirl because they immediately waste their CC. It has got to be in the hundreds. Another build to consider is a 14/27/0 type thing with a little more damage output via overhead and some nasty critrate blade storms and dispatches. Pick up warding call and some defensive talents in the defense tree, and call it good.
If the goal is to just be a huge ****in pain in the ass ball carrier / healer assist, though, 25/12/4 is smecksy.