Fifth instalment of the Shinarika series that marks Infiltration as the returning main spec of the Shadow queen. Warzones, group combat, 2v1s, 1v3s and just plain head on raw action is coming at you with this one. Get ready because once you hop into the wheels of an infiltration out for blood, believe me your thirst will be satisfied.
Watchmen has been on the lookout for new talent. We respect anyone that tries hard at what they do and hats off to you for doing so. Remember, it's all or nothing so when you get into that warzone- give em' your all. Gear, Mods/Enhancements and Spec help are available from the tutorial videos that I have posted.
Track List:
Mando Diao - Blue Lining White Trenchcoat Shy Child - Criss Cross Alien Ant Farm - Courage Little Boots - No brakes From Software - The Game